Madeline Levine, Ph.D.
Ready or Not
My Son Thinks I'm his Teacher
- 11/06/2020
Why You Need to Take the Time to Mourn RBG
- 09/29/2020
4 Way to Help if Your Kid is Depressed
- 06/02/2020
Parenting Through the Pandemic
- 05/21/2020
Putting Values at the Center of Wealth Planning
- 05/22/2020
Conversations with Common Sense "A National Town Hall for Parents"
- 05/13/2020
Bay Area Book Festival "Parenting in a Time of Crisis"
- 05/12/2020
How to Help your Child Handle Disappointment
- 04/23/2020
What Happened to American Childhood?
- 04/23/2020
How the Education System Changes Can Help More Kids Succeed
- 04/22/2020
The Decade of the Parenting Manual
- 04/19/2020
Why Kids Don't Need to Stay on Track to Succeed
- 04/06/2020
For Extroverts during Coronavirus, Cabin Fever is Chance to See the World Anew
- 04/05/2020
FB Live with Madeline Levine - MJCCA Arts + Culture
- 03/26/2020
Kids Can Cope with the Coronavirus Pandemic if we Prepare Them Appropriately
- 03/19/2020
How to Talk to Your Child About the Coronavirus
- 03/18/2020
Raising Resilient Kids Who Are Prepared for the Future (Child Mind Institute)
Kids Don't Need to Stay on Track to Succeed (The Atlantic)
- 02/16/2020
Parents, stop worrying about your kids' anxiety. They need some stress to learn to cope with it. (NBC Think)
- 02/17/2020
Are We Overparenting? (WHYY Radio Times)
- 02/13/2020
Expert: Snowplow Parents are a Detriment to Children Which Continues into Adulthood (Good Morning Philly)
- 02/13/2020
Madeline Levine: Ready or Not (HarperCollins Academic Calling)
- 02/05/2020
Parenting in Modern Times: Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty (Family Focus)
- 02/07/2020
Preparing Kids to Thrive in an Anxious World Might Mean Backing Off (Romper)
- 02/11/2020
Tiger, Snowplow, Helicopter and Free-Range Parents, Listen Up! (The New York Times)
- 02/11/2020
How parents' anxiety can affect their children (CBS This Morning)
- 02/11/2020
Parenting In Modern Times: Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty (Family Focus Blog)
- 02/07/2020
Mom Talk: Losing Loren (Mother Magazine)
- 02/07/2020
Marin Magazine
- 02/01/2020
In an uncertain world, failure may be best lesson for kids (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution))
- 01/23/2020
The Decade of the Parenting Manual (The New York Times)
- 12/20/2019
Teach Your Children Well
The Decade of the Parenting Manual - NY Times
- 12/20/2019
Why Kids Need Schools to Change - MindShift
- 09/21/2012
Chicago Tribune
- 08/27/2012
KQED Radio’s Mindshift Blog
- 08/24/2012
- 08/24/2012
The Dominion Post
- 08/24/2012
Informed Educational Solutions
- 08/21/2012
- 07/28/2012
Pacific Sun
- 07/27/2012
- 07/28/2012
The Portland Oregonian
- 08/06/2012
Globe and Mail
- 08/03/2012
Unschooling NYC
- 07/30/2012
Baby Center Blog
- 08/05/2012
Men’s News Daily
- 08/05/2012
Today Show/NBC TV
- 08/28/2012
Nightline/ABC TV
- 07/31/2012
Fox & Friends Weekend/FOX NEWS
- 07/28/2012
PIX11 Morning News/WPIX TV (NYC)
- 07/25/2012
Forum with Michael Kransny - KQED
- 08/07/2012
- 07/27/2012
Pueblo Chieftan
- 07/28/2012
Make it Better Magazine
- 07/28/2012
"The Takeaway"/PRI International
- 08/13/2012
Newsday - Op-Ed
- 08/22/2012
New York Times - Op-Ed (#1 most emailed article at the New York Times)
- 08/12/2012
Buzzfeed Q + A
- 08/04/2012
Parenting Skills Blog
- 07/01/2012
Arizona Daily Star
- 08/26/2012
Huffington Post
- 08/24/2012
- 08/22/2012
Bark Review
- 08/03/2012
New York Family Magazine
- 08/01/2012
The Price of Privilege
Wealthy Teens At Risk, CBS The Early
- 10/03/2006
Parental Anxieties
- 12/16/2011
Make Time for Free Time
- 12/09/2011
In the Loop with iVillage
- 11/14/2007
Privileged Teens Suffering From Depression - ABC/7 News
- 05/03/2007
Grace Cathedral
- 01/14/2007
The Commonwealth Club of California
- 11/29/2006
The Diane Rehm Show
- 07/18/2006
Forum with Michael Krasny
- 07/06/2006